A long time ago I made the decision to expand the hand-infused portion of light in my photography, making more room for additional elements and re-experiencing my photography. No more photographs of things that were already visible in front of the lens, but to create the space that brings a new level to my photography - live in front of the camera - not in post-production on the computer! I started with light painting.  

"the eyes are useless, when the mind is blind"





While working as an autodidact in producing lightart and longtime/BULB exposures for almost a decade, i´d acquired a lot of unusual and new skills to do high-quality photos in complete dark environments. A selection of examples from all the different styles are shown into the gallery. I´ve spent a number of years creating movies and photos using special techniques to visualize. Since the 90´s i do video- and photography as an autodidact. The skills i´d acquired on working with motion pictures allowed me to contribute significantly to the performance aspect of LAPP (Light Art Performance Photography), from which i am a co-founder and master developer. The LAPP-PRO project started in 2007 and ended in 2011. We made a Book about to paint with Light, this includes the real and only true LAPP-Pro Story and many Pictures from that Time.The rocky nook - english version "Painting with Light"and for the german readers the dpunkt Verlag "Faszination Lichtmalerei". Also on AMAZON

In another joint project since 2011 with an Los Angeles / USA based software developper, i co-developed a complete new and, until today, unique piece of lightart software as the idea-generator for this tool. A software to do lightpaint in realtime. It is the first piece of software which were able to let you show your lightpaint while you paint, in realtime! We call it LightPaintLive

To catch the eye is key to create recognizable visual content. But for me audible experiences are really important too. A movie without sound is mostly a difficult to understand story. A movie with only sound is a good narrative, the missing pictures will be created into your head. A love of sound sampling and electronic music from the early synth-pop age helps me to create the perfect experience to show photos and videos in a appropriate acoustic environment.

As developer, producer and as artist, i am familiar to work indoor in studios, outside into the nature, in abandoned buildings or even in empty football stadiums. Working in small flexible teams, or to be integrated in an extensive production line from international advertising agencies is nothing new to me. I´m a creative teamplayer.  


1. Lightart Conception

Regardless wheter your first raw idea is only a quick spark from a real end-product or if you or your client have the final picture in front of the inner eye. To let your vision become true, it´s important to work with experts in handling with light. We are an experienced team of lightart thrilled artists who are well skilled and proved in working with all kind of light and fire in front of a camera. A reliable team who can work for your vision. Mostly we start with a first small briefing, always a short text based information or samples/fragments of similar pictures and sketches from your vision. We work up from the scratch with first simple designs and lightfragments up to a whole realisation of the concept for your vision. For your final pictures.

2. Lightart Production

The place where the photo equipment meets the lightart tools. What will be needed and how to use it in the right manner. Who is the photographer and how much light performing actors will be needed for the performance? Which settings are the best and what is the script of the story. We offer Lightart Production for business partners and individuals. The complete workflow with a quick and reliable team. Our clients benefit from a giant scope of knowledge from more than 8 years experience in producing lightart. Indoor-Studio or outdoor in the field, we worked on all locations into the last 8 years. Starting with scouting your right location up to the selection of all the right light-tools to the fine details into artistic choreography and implementation - we know exactly what you need to get your right result. Most of the needed materials are already a part of our equipment, and mostly the rest will be organized quick. If your Concept needs very special Lighttools, we are in a position to offer handmade and tailored tools for it.

3. Lightart Training

For individuals, small groups or school classes, we offer lightart training sessions to learn how to paint with light. We can simply assist you on performing your own ideas or teach you how to use different painting techniques from the scratch. A wide range of differnt hardware can be used for this. From in-camera workflows, with DSLR and mirrorless cameras in BULB-Mode, down to video cameras and production techniques with lightart-realtime-software, we can show you a wide range of styles and techniques, from the basics to the wildest experimentals. You´ll learn to choose the right style, suitable light-tools, a perfect location and the best way to implement all your ideas into your high-quality result. We offer to book our outdoor/indoor locations, to sout new ones especially for your needs, or visiting our clients on site.

4. THE LIGHTPAINTLIVE Stage Performance

Lightpainting is a fantastic Show-Act. A new and very creative artform, it can move spectators deeply and it´s often times a real eye-catcher. Lightpainting is looking beautiful, especially on big screens. Unfortunatelly the typical production method with an photo-camera (DSLR and others) is very slow and decelerated. The development process of each image takes a lot of time and inbetween, the spectator can see nearly nothing on stage. These kinda boring and slow presentations into the almost pitch-dark environment, disables large audiences from excitement an the ability to enjoy lightpaint as a show-element on stage. We developped a "stage-ready" and very special performance technology combined with an exciting screenplay. We´re able to show lightpaintings in front of any large audience directly in the moment the light hits the sensor. It´s realtime! The audience can see this process live on big screens or on large projectors. No longer waiting between the process of paint with light and the finished image. In realtime everyone can see what happens on the camera and see the results live! The huge artwork we have already in stock combined with our ability to develop thematically new stunning content with light is your key to a tailormade show for your event. Pictures with various lightsources, thousands of colours, some of them are simple reflections, from shadows or from light with fire and fireworks are possible. At your request we can develop specifically for you/your client new designs and bring them precisely on the stage in your order. We offer different kinds of stage play, tailormade to your needs. Our range is variable. At the one end, there is the "more text-oriented style" like playing into a theater with some spoken words or an extended dramaturgy and on the other end is the "rapid lightart-battle". A firework in B-Boy/Breackdance-style. We can paint one complex picture in 5 Minutes with storytelling or we can fire up a 10 minutes light-music-show with 10-15 different pictures in it. In total we can arrange stage shows with 50 or more images. But generally, there is no limit. All rounded off by atmospheric music and expressive capable actors, we bring an entirely new kind of stage show to your event.



Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG: Jörg Miedza, MIEDZA LIGHTART PHOTOGRAPHY, Siedscheljer Heide 3, 28790 Schwanewede, GERMANY


Telefon: +49 (0) E-Mail: info(at)  

SoLar | School of Lightart

  In December 2019 we´ve started this new project